Home 254 News Top reasons why so many Kenyan women are killed in Saudi Arabia

Top reasons why so many Kenyan women are killed in Saudi Arabia

Many young Kenyan women leave the country for greener pastures in Saudi Arabia or the Arab nations. We know that these Gulf nations are in need of cheap labour from Africa, Philippines and even Thailand. But the most cheapest of all and risk free is Africa! Africa? i don’t understand why we have to carry the heavy cross! I have lived in Dubai personally and i know how Arabs treat Africans. It is pathetic and for Godly sake, it is ten times safer to risk in Kenya than in the Arab world. But because of lack of knowledge those young women perish. Now first things first right! All those agencies in Nairobi playing big and recruiting women from nowhere to everywhere, are they registered and do they even have insurance? They are dealing with people lives right? Do they have insurance incase something goes wrong somewhere?

Who is to blame?

It makes everyone sick to see our women coming back from Saudi Arabia in coffins, it is just unforgivable and difficult to explain. But before we point fingers at anyone, where is the Kenyan Government, the Embassy of Kenya to Saudi Arabia and the cabinet secretary of foreign affairs in Kenya? They can only play big role in securing foreign aid from these nations yet our own people suffer and are oppressed under them. It is not yet Uhuru!

The same government understands well where all those squeaky agencies are located, why not uproot them and make the rules clear for everyone? But again in Africa everything works opposite, infact those Embassies to the Arab nations do not care how many of those women come back alive or dead, so it is all left to the Human rights groups to solve the equation. Human rights can only fight for your rights in Kenya but not in any foreign land!

I live in a foreign land too and i understand how difficult it is for someone especially from a third world to understand law and foreign policies incase anything goes wrong. But before we understand the policies and the whole law book why is it that alot of women are being killed in Arab world with their own employer? I have tried to dig out reasons and even spoke to some people in those Gulf nations. Top reasons were blame on the Kenyan women, incompetent and insecure.After compelling the reports, somethings stand out very clear and it’s logic too because alot of these women are illiterate and most of them come from rural parts of Kenya where poverty is very high. They are desperate and in need of quick money. So they meet these hungry stricken agencies in Nairobi, the agency organise for passports real fast and the women are held in a bedsitter flat somewhere in Nairobi. After securing passport they leave the country in the next 24 to 48 hours! And those passports are normally held either with the employer or the agency until they retrieve all the due payments! And because these woman are illiterate and naive, the hunter always hunt the weakest! That’s where the story begins at! It is devastating and intolerance!

No matter how difficult is it in Kenya, East or West home is the best.

The light at the entrance of the tunnel always shine bright just to show you the way inside the tunnel, for my lovely sisters back at home, please go to school and get educated it is the only way to free Africa and Africans from the slavery. Please get educated, we all know its hard to secure a job after University or collage but it don’t last forever. Only a few years tar-marking with your papers but then all will be alright.