Home Kenyan Kitchen Kenyan foods and where to buy here in Europe

Kenyan foods and where to buy here in Europe

The Season of Nyama Choma is fast approaching here in Europe, back at home it not seasonal rather it’s all year round.

But are in Europe it is only in summer that you can enjoy your Nyama Choma at your backyard with a can of beer or a glass of cold white wine!

Shops that sells African foods here in Europe are not so many, but those Africans shops nearby your home address, at times do import food from Kenya/ East Africa and sell. Incase of none then the best place where you can buy African food are the Turkish shops, most of them sell African foods here in Europe and mostly the stock is readily available. Last time I walked in a Turkish shop here in Europe, they had plenty of Kenyan food. From green bananas to Cassava flour. I saw some beef (halal) and it looked really tasty. So go check at those small migrants shop.

Kenyan shops that imports products to Europe are very few and costly. One is in Denmark, they  have a lot of Kenyan Ugali and all stuff from Kenya but they are expensive. For someone who lives in Italy or Austria to get that Unga ya Ugali from the shop in Denmark to where you are will cost you more than 50 euros.

The other alternative is to ask someone back at home or in Africa to send you whatever you want, via Posta or DHL, Posta is cheaper but chances are maybe you won’t get those goods or  it will take ages before you set your eyes on them. DHL is really fast but again they are off the track. In May 2021 i inquired the cost of sending a package from Kenya to Austria (10kgs), they quoted a 650 Euros fee! Below are some common Kenyan Shops here in Europe

                      2. Kilimanjaro Shop Germany
                      3.African Queen Shop Swiss
                      4.Mt Kenya Shop Denmark 
                      5. Afro Shop Berlin